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3 Reasons Bookies Need A Premium Pay Per Head Sportsbook Software

Premium Pay Per Head Software Concept

The College Football Season and NFL Regular Season are just around the corner. That means pay per head agents should absolutely consider signing up for the Prime Package,’s premium pay per head sportsbook software.

By doing so, you, the bookie agent, will leap ahead of your competitors.

Check out 3 reasons bookies should sign up for premium pay per head sportsbook software today.

Why A Premium Pay Per Head Sportsbook Software?

The 3 reasons listed here are all tools only available through premium pay per head sportsbook software. Check them out and decide for yourself if you need premium tools to build your sportsbook business.

1. The Line Mover

The line mover is one of the most essential tools in a per head agent’s arsenal. What can an agent accomplish with the line mover?

For starters, an agent can prevent from ever having to refund wagers. The way an agent can do this is by adding a half a point to all whole number spreads.

If the bookie agent prefers, he or she can subtract a point from all whole number spreads.

Either way, the result is the same. No spread wager can end on a point and a half. That means the agent will never have to refund wagers.

Another way to use the line mover is to persuade bets. For example, lowering one side of a spread by a whole point could attract action on that side of the spread. Adding a whole point will dissuade action on that side of a spread.

2. Television listings

Sounds simple, right? Just log onto the Internet, punch in TV listings on Google, and there you have it. No problems.

Not exactly, though. First, searching for TV listings can be a pain. Try it and see how far you get before giving up.

Second, television listings can change.

Finally, if television listings are at your fingertips you can use the information in marketing messages right away. All marketing messages have a shelf life. Don’t destroy yours because you didn’t want to use the TV listings tool.

3. Injury information tool with per head sportsbook software

Here’s the thing, most every sports bettor, casual and pro, study injury information before making wagers. That’s just what bettors do.

If that’s a fact, then why wouldn’t online bookie agents like yourself want the same injury information that your bettors get? Heck, your injury information is more up to date.

Injury information can work with the line mover. You can change the line depending on the injury information.

That’s why it’s important to sign up for Pay Per Head’ s premium sportsbook software plan. All the tools work together so that you can efficiently run your sportsbook.

Sign up for a premium pay per head sportsbook software for just $3 per head right now and be ready for the NFL Regular season with

Build Your Sportsbook Empire For Just $3 Per Head!


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