We’ve completely redesigned our agent website to make it easier for you to run your bookie business. Get a quick snapshot of your totals, wagering fees, Live Dealer fees, your top players, your headcount, and your upcoming bills for the week. 



We’ve put the menu on the left-hand side so you can see the breakdowns of each section.


Just below the Dashboard, we’ve added what might be our best feature, Favorites. You can add almost anything to your Favorite section. Any report, line moves, limits, players, or subagents can be added here so that they are quick and easy to get to. When you’re in any other section, just click on the hollow star beside the item to make it solid, and it gets added to the Favorite section. (If you can show a gif doing this, it would be helpful).

If you have a favorite player, stat, or report you to check out all the time, just click on Favorites, and then click the item and you’re there. Fewer clicks. Less time wasted searching.


You have the option of getting all kinds of reports such as weekly balances, customer performance, betting statistics, and player activity. Reports are important to be able to know how well your book is doing and how well your players are doing.

Maintenance is your day-to-day work, changing and controlling all aspects of your book including adding and deleting players and agents.


You can create limits for all your players collectively, or individually. It’s now quicker and more convenient than it’s ever been to manage your players.

You can move lines as well, right from your webpage. If there’s a game that you want to have a higher cost on, like a local game, you can easily and quickly do it online.

Make the changes from the Maintenance menu or add them to Favorites.



Use the layoff account whenever you feel like you’re taking too big of a risk on your players’ bets. We’d like to think of ourselves as your business partners because we won’t leave you on your own. The layoff account is there whenever you need it and it’s right on your main menu so it’s easy to find.



This is where our APS (Agent Payment Solution) gets utilized. You have several options under the Deposit item, including the Payment Solutions Guide and Bitcoin Guide, if you want to learn more about them.

You’re able to pay your players and your agents through the APS system. Or they can pay you. It’s all online so you don’t have to meet to exchange money.



On top of that, you can also create sub master billing agents. That means you can set the rate for an agent that you’re reselling to. You can set the rates for all our standard and premium products such as Live Wagering and Live Dealer. As a master agent, you can actually make money off of your sub-agents every week where they pay you as if you were PayPerHead. It’s all done automatically by our software once you’ve set their rates. You no longer have to worry about discrepancies, as all calculations are done by our software.

When a sub-agent logs into his dashboard, he sees the same billing format as regular agents, so that it looks like he’s paying us, but he’s paying you, the master agent.


Agents used to have to call whenever they wanted to find out anything about their premium products Live Wagering, or Casino Fresh Deck for example. Now, all that information is right on the Products page. Your rates plus other relevant information are included here. You can enable all your players for the service or just the ones you choose. You can now enable any of the services for any of your players or sub-agents without having to call us first. Just do it online.


You can also consult our embedded Oracle which is our help and information section that gives more details and insights into our products and services. Just click on the more info link wherever you see it.

Of course, you always have the option of contacting our customer service department to help you through anything.


If it takes an agent more than two minutes to figure out the functionality of our platform, it’s too long. We’ve kept this motto in mind while redesigning your agent platform. We’ve designed it to help you run your bookie business more efficiently, but we also want it to be easy to use, otherwise you won’t use it. The basic functions are simple to find and use. If you need to get into more details, simply consult the Oracle, or get in touch with our customer service reps.



That’s the most important part of what we’ve done with our software. We’ve made it as seamless and streamlined as possible. You can manage all the functions and features we have directly from your phone, tablet, or desktop without having to contact customer service each time you need to make a change or add a premium service.

Our added Oracle information library gives you more information on your bookie website so you can become an expert on how to do everything on it.

With the growing trend of using a mobile device to run your book, we designed this site from a mobile perspective first. Not desktop. It’s designed to be fully functional on a phone or tablet as well as a desktop.


Just as we’ve done a lot of work on the agent site, we’ve made lots of improvements on our player sites. It’s important for an agent to know that when he pays our per head rates, his players are getting an awesome website with great functions and so many features.

We’ve added a lot of standard and premium features to the player sites so that they see just how much is available to watch and bet on.

We’ve always got up to the minute information on games, players, and thousands of lines per day. Everything to keep your players informed and engaged while they make their bets.

Basically, you want your players staying on their sites as long as possible. We make that possible with Live Streaming, thousands of lines per day, and a player Oracle to allow them to find more information on what they’re dealing with.

We help you keep your players engaged on your site at all times so you’re maximizing the amount of profit you can earn each and everyday you’re a PayPerHead agent.