You asked, we answered

New to the game? Don’t sweat it, just make sure you have the right tactics and tools by your side and you’ll rake in some serious cash. Let us know in the comments if you have any more frequently asked questions for online bookies we haven’t answered here!

Can anyone become an online bookie?

Of course! If you’re interested in how to become a online bookie, you should know the most successful tend to have these traits:

  • An understanding of sports and sports history.
  • Experience with sports betting or at least a general understanding.
  • A willingness to read and learn about sports, sports betting and pay per head tools that will make your bookie business a success.
  • A knack for numbers and accounting
  • Relationship management skills; emotional IQ is important in any business but maybe especially in the sports betting industry.

Pay per head is the payment model used by online bookie software. It means that you pay a set price per player in your book each week. For example, at PayPerHead.com we start at $10.99 per head and rates can go up slightly from there depending on the upgrade features you desire in your platform.

Professionals don’t track bets with pen and paper anymore. Most bookies use pay per head software. A few still use excel spreadsheets, but many are switching to software built for the industry to save time.

Bookies rely on sportsbooks to provide odds. However, adjusting the odds depending on the bets placed is a primary job of the bookie. For example, if everyone in your book has been betting on a favorite, most bookies would start to favor the underdog as game day approaches to entice a more even split. Why do this?. You don’t want to be cleaned out because everyone in your book bet on the same side.

Definitely. Adding a sport to your book is one of the best ways to increase your profits because it gives your players more opportunities to bet. You can choose to run a single-sport book as well, but that will reduce the size of your operation and your potential profit.

Bettors are known as players, and you can recruit them anywhere: forums, social media, sporting events, and even your personal connections. See the Profits and Promotions section of this FAQ for more information about growing your player list.

That depends entirely on how many players you have in your book and how much time you commit to your business. Many online bookies make a full-time career out of it, while others take advantage of the industry’s flexibility to create a side business. It’s up to you!

You do not need staff for your online bookie business until you grow into a medium or large bookmaker. Administrator, Linesmaker, and Manager are the most common positions used to grow a team.

A lot of price per head agents and online bookies think they can work from the sofa or kitchen table each day. As far as bookie mistakes go, this is a big one. There are far too many distractions for you. Have a specified area or office at home, in a co-working space or a elsewhere.

Although you may be able to work 24/7 at home, it is better to treat it like going to an office. Price per head agents need to have a routine to get the most out of working from home.

As you are running a sportsbook, you will likely need to work weekends. In fact, the game schedule may largely define your work schedule and your down time.

Bankroll management is a vital part of becoming an online bookie. You start by estimating the size of your client base and average total action. Then you make sure that you have enough money in the bank for 4 weeks of payouts while assuming zero clients are paying you back. You will probably never fall into that situation, but it’s good to play it safe and have some money on hand in case of an emergency.

The vig (or “juice”) is the amount online bookies charge for your player to place a bet. It can also refer to the amount of interest on a loan.

Parlay bets are popular among both the novice and advanced bettors because of the allure of the high payout. They’re also favored in sportsbooks because of the unlikely odds of winning them. That’s what makes this type of betting structure such a strong promotional tool. You’ll want to keep betting limits in place just in case a parlay bet is won. As stated, they are difficult to win, but if a player does win, you don’t want to end up with an empty wallet.

Teasers are smaller side bets that attract the casual bettor and increase the number of bets placed in general. They’re similar to parlay bets, with respect to the fact players can bet on multiple games. The difference is that bettors can adjust the lines to help increase their chances of winning. These are critically important to the success of your business. They’re popular and have much lower payouts than a parlay. That puts more money in your pocket, and you can monitor teaser activity on a perpetual basis from your pay per head platform.