
Master Agent Tips: Fool-Proof Prospecting Methods To Grow Your Network

Once an online bookie agent becomes an online bookie master agent, it’s important for a bookmaker to hire the right sub-agents.

Hiring the right sub-agents isn’t an easy thing to do.

The best way to ensure that you hire the right sub-agents is to treat your hiring process without worrying so much about your industry.

In other words, experience doesn’t always mean as much as you think. See below for 5 tips on hiring the right employees for your sportsbook business.

1. Look for committed individuals

Don’t hire sub-agents that just think it might be fun to work with you. Look for sub agents that are committed to being successful working for you.

2. The right sub-agents aren’t afraid to learn

You’ve become a master agent because your business must grow. You know how to run a successful online sportsbook.

Don’t hire sub-agents who don’t want to learn, or are afraid to learn from you.

3. Compatibility is key

As with hiring any employee in any industry, compatibility is key.

It does pay per head master agents no good to hire sub-agents that aren’t compatible with them or the right culture they’ve created in their online sportsbook businesses.

Just like a good sports team, chemistry must work. If not—the team is doomed to fail.

4. Improve your hiring process

No person that hires employees gets it right 100% of the time.

Once you’ve realized you’ve made a mistake, fix the mistake. Then, you must contemplate why you made the mistake. Through contemplation, hopefully, you won’t make the same hiring mistake in the future.

5. Ask potential sub-agent hires the right personal questions

Do they bet on sports? That might not be a deal breaker for you.

You should want to know, though. Do they have a family?

Why do they wish to be a sub-agent instead of running their own sportsbook business?

It might seem taboo to ask personal questions. It isn’t. Asking personal questions, if they don’t border on offending the applicant, can lead to more rapport than not asking personal questions.

That’s the real key with hiring the right sub-agents.

Being a sub-agent isn’t a cookie-cutter job. You know this because you were an online bookie agent before becoming an online bookie master agent.

Sub-agents are your employees, but they work on their own.

That means you must develop a rapport right away so that you can effectively communicate with your sub-agent hires.

Once you have the right sub-agents, you can focus on managing them, make sure you upgrade to PayPerHead’s Prime Package. You’ll get access to all the master agent tools you’ll need for success.

Find out more about how PayPerHead’s premium tools can help master agents increase their profits.

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